Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Blogger is Temporarily Sick - Now is OK again

Dear Readers,

Blogger is ill. No, not me, I'm fine other than being old. But the servers that serve the blog articles are failing to upload some of the photographs. It may have something to do with Google's migrating their Picasa Web Albums to Google Photos. The photographs that you see in these posts are stored in Picasa Web Albums, up to 2000 photos per album. But when I open my albums, I see that some photographs no longer appear but have a placeholder instead with a small question mark (?) in a box. Google is, hopefully, working on the problem. In the meantime, sorry for the inconvenience.

July 9 update: By removing the copyright symbol © from the EXIF data in each photograph, the photograph will upload and display properly. I have been re-uploading photographs from some of my older posts. 

July 21 update: All photographs appear again. Google did some change to their software, and photographs with odd characters in the EXIF fields display properly, just as they did before.

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