Showing posts with label Pentax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pentax. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2025

2024 E. Washington Road Trip 01 - Tonakset, Nighthawk, and Oroville

Dear Readers, Happy and Prosperous New Year to you all!  

Thank you for reading my blog. I started this blog in 2010, so this is the 16th year of trying to find and photograph the detritus, decay, and abandoned remnants of our modern world. We will start the new year with a series on eastern Washington. Later, we will see Greece, Turkey, New York City, Olympia, and more. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Packing enough stuff? (No, never!)


By late summer (2024), my wife and I had spent months remodeling, cleaning out junk, sorting paperwork, and setting up life in a new home in the Pacific Northwest. I was restless and wiggly. She wanted me out of the house. And I had not driven through eastern Washington in 49 years. My 1981 car needed some serious highway miles and exercise. Time for a ROAD TRIP!

With a week-long itinerary and a generous offer to stay with an old college friend in Spokane, it was time to pack and set off. Traveling by car, I could take a tripod and both medium format (Hasselblad plus 4 lenses) and 35mm (Pentax Spotmatic F with 5 lenses). And I stashed spare water, tools, motor oil, munchies, a battery jump device, and car parts. Pack heavy? Who cares with a car. 

For the next few articles, I will show some of the 35mm Kodak Portra 160 frames in the order of my trip. They progress through small towns, so look at a map of Washington if you are interested in the exact locations. I learned about some ghost towns from web pages that list such oddities and places to see. And I stopped when I saw a lonely farm or other interesting urban decay feature. Click any picture to see it expanded to 1600 pixels wide. 


Aussie Antiques, Tonakset
Wow, old time Jerry Cans

Good stuff! I love these home-grown antique/junk stores full of treasures. I don't need any in my life, but it is great that someone recycles these remnants of an older age.

Tonakset is a quiet town north of Omak, where I spent the night. Tonasket had a very nice coffee shop right across the street from the Aussie Antiques. 

Trailer with a view, Loomis-Oroville Highway (50mm ƒ/1.4 SMC Takumar lens)

Heading west on the Loomis-Oroville Road toward Loomis, and you get into rolling hills with some agriculture mixed with cattle pasture. It was dry in late summer, the grasslands brown.  


Former Nighthawk general store (?)

Nighthawk is a ghost town, but there are homes and residents, so it is not truly deserted. At the turn of the 20th century, Nighthawk was a booming mining town as well as a supply center for other mines in the area. The Great Northern Railroad came through this valley. Companies extracted copper, gold, lead, silver, zinc, and antimony from the surrounding area, but most mining ended in the 1950s. There is not much to see here any more, but the scenery is sublime.

Similkameen River northeast of Nighthawk (35mm ƒ/3.5 Super-Takumar lens)


Similkameen River west of Oroville

The Girder Bridge (built 2010) carries the Similkameen Trail, a rail-to-trail conversion. The Great Northern Railroad once carried ore and minerals along this line into Oroville and further. 

Chevrolet truck looking good on Central Avenue, Oroville
Skeleton Man on patrol duty on Chesaw Road, Oroville

From Oroville, I continued east on Chesaw Road towards the ghost town of Molson. To be continued...

These photographs are from Kodak Portra 160 film exposed with my Pentax Spotmatic F camera with various lenses, but mostly the 50mm ƒ/1.4 and the 35mm ƒ/3.5. I scanned the film with a Nikon Coolscan 5000 film scanner.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Return to the Olympia Brewery (Abandoned Films 13a)

Kodak T400CN, expired 2005

The Film

Dear Readers, you may remember that in February (2024), I used some long-expired Kodak T400CN black and white film. Because it was old, I exposed it at EI=100 rather than the original 400. The results were successful, and the film is convenient because the infrared scratch tool in my Nikon Coolscan 5000ED scanner cleans flaws and minor scratches. 

In preparation for an upcoming trip, I bought some more T400CN film from an eBay seller who said they had been stored in a refrigerator. I shot identical scenes at 100, 200, and 400. The roll came back very thin. The 100 frames scanned adequately, but the 200 and 400 were hopeless. I must give credit to the Coolscan scanner because it extracted so much data from the 100 frames. And having the ICE function to clean scratches and dust saves an immense amount of time.  

Results in Tumwater

Here are some more frames of the old Olympia Brewery in Tumwater. These are the 100 exposures, with minor adjustment in the brightness after scanning. 

(Pentax MG camera, 50mm F/2 Pentax-A lens, yellow-green filter)
No entry here (35mm ƒ/2.8 Pentax-A lens at ƒ/4)

The back of this building was peeled off. I read that a company removed machines, and peeling off the wall was the only way to remove large equipment. Of course, now this eyesore sits here year after year. 

Waiting for a seat (50mm ƒ/2 Pentax-A lens at ƒ/8)

This concrete hulk is next to Custer Way. The back, with the peeled off wall, is within sight of the historic Schmidt House, which is owned by the Olympia Tumwater Foundation. The foundation built the 15-acre park along the Deschutes River waterfalls. 

Turn the corner to Capital Way. The Pacific Highway, formerly Route 99, runs over a 1938 bridge. It was decorated with Art Deco and Native American motifs. 

View of Rte 99 north over 1938 bridge. (Photograph 1951-1960, Item P40_N02, courtesy of the Olympia Tumwater Foundation)
Figure on northwest side of Capital Way (Rte 99)
Totem post, northeast side of Capital Way (Rte 99)

Former North Pacific Restaurant

The North Pacific Restaurant burned on June 25, 2024. Once popular with brewery workers, it had been unoccupied for many years. The "Cafe" in the color picture above is at the same location as the South Pacific (probably the same building). As of November 7, trucks were removing the debris and timbers. 

Factory walkways under the Rte 99 bridge
More walkways
View south past former powerhouse


This roll of T400CN had lost at least 2 stops of sensitivity compared to when it was new (ISO 400). But I think the frames of the old brewery, taken on a grey day, look fine. They have a classic vintage black and white look, a bit gritty (grungy?) with some grain. 

The frames above are from 50mm ƒ/2 and 35mm ƒ/2.8 Pentax-A lenses. I am impressed at the resolution of these modest-priced lenses (click any picture to expand it). Pentax made excellent glass in the 1970s, 1980s, and later, easily the equal of the big name companies. These mid-century lenses may not be as "sharp" as the newest optics (whatever that means in internet fantasy land), but does it make any difference?

Next roll: try at Exposure Index 50?

Saturday, November 16, 2024

When Film is too Old (Seattle 04)

Sample film strip, Epson Perfection 3200 Photo scanner

Oh, oh, some old film is just that, film that should have been discarded long ago. 

I bought an expired roll of Kodak High Definition film (Max 400??) at Photoland, the laboratory at The Evergreen State College in Olympia. It had been frozen but was much too old. I wanted to test my new/old Pentax MG. I had never heard of High Definition, and online information was scarce. It may have been discontinued around 2005. Kodak had a bad habit of renaming their various emulsions, often changing names in different markets. 

Most of the roll was grossly underexposed, and holding the strip up to the light, I could barely see any image data. The Epson 3200 flat bed scanner was remarkable at its ability to extract something for me to review. Some of the frames from Seattle looked marginally promising. I am amazed how well my Nikon Coolscan 5000 can extract data from a lousy negative. For the examples below, I scanned the frames with the Coolscan's automatic exposure function. Then I opened some of the frames in Photoshop and manually adjusted the contrast.   

Arriving at King Street Station, Seattle
King Street Station
Smith Tower from Jackson Street
Maybe I'll Walk-In (or maybe not)
Pine Street scooters
I am a Rockfish. Make some delicious fish 'n chips from me. Note the enormous eyes.

Rockfish are rather ugly. They live on rocky bottoms in cold water. There are at least 30 species in the Pacific Northwest. But they are delicious eating. Dingey's at the Olympia Farmers Market offers rockfish fish 'n chips. 

Let's drop in to Party in Reality. Well, maybe no.

I took these pictures with a Pentax MG camera, which has aperture priority autoexposure (meaning, you select an aperture on the lens, and the camera sets the correct shutter speed based on the through-the-lens light meter). The MG meters for as long as 14 or 15 seconds, which would be useful for tripod-mounted scenes. 

But because the film was so flawed, I do not know if the exposures were correct. The lens was a 50mm ƒ/2 Pentax-A with an unusual 5-element air-spaced optical design. 

Expired color film is a gamble. It just does not age well. Do not bother buying it. But black and white films, especially slow speeds, seem to last for years, especially if stored cool. Long-term readers may remember my amazing results with 60-year-old Versapan film packs

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Danger: GAS and a Review of the Pentax Spotmatic F

Good things come in a box

The Danger of GAS

Yes, I know, I have no discipline. I have enough cameras to last the rest of my days and swore that I would not buy any more hardware except for specific accessory items, like filters. But Jim Grey, my friend from Indiana, extolled the virtues of the Pentax Spotmatic F body. This was the last version of the famous 35mm camera line that accepted 42mm thread-mount lenses. The F featured open-aperture metering, meaning the viewfinder did not darken as you stopped down the lens. My older regular Spotmatic uses stop-down metering. This seldom posed any inconvenience, but the option of open aperture metering sounded tempting. Well, you know the story, GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome, not flatulence) overcame me. Soon, a handsome Spotmatic F along with the magnificent 50mm ƒ/1.4 SMC Takumar lens appeared in a box. Total cost was $49 including shipping. You can buy this level of craftsmanship and excellence for $49 in 2023?

After an initial test, I sent the camera to Eric Hendrickson, one of the best-known Pentax repair people in the USA. It and the 50mm lens came back clean and ready to go. He emphasized that the light meter will work correctly with 625A (alkaline) batteries. Internet "experts" churn back and forth about which batteries will and will not work, but I trust Mr. Hendrickson. The original specification was for 625 mercury cells, but these have not been available for at least 25 years. The 625S (silver) cells are also now gone. The 625A batteries do not last long in this camera, so possibly there is a minor current drain. But the cells are inexpensive, and I remove them when I am not using the camera. (General camera rule: ALWAYS remove batteries when you will not use a camera for weeks or longer.)

Spotmatic Cameras

Mike Johnston wrote about the Spotmatic in The Online Photographer in 2017 and explained why the Pentax 50mm ƒ/1.4 lens was one of the finest 50s in the film era. The table below lists the various Spotmatic models.

Asahi Pentax Screw-Mount Cameras 1     

Model 2





Modern appearance, right side wind lever, instant return mirror. ≈ $199 with 55 mm f/2.2.



Contemporary geometric sequence of shutter speeds. 9 lenses available.



Semi-automatic diaphragm

Asahi S3 (identical to Honeywell H3)


Fully automatic diaphragm.  $199 with 55 f/1.8 lens.

Honeywell H1


 $150;  1/500 top speed.  World's first clip-on CdS meter available ($32).

Asahi S3v (Honeywell H3v)

1963 1969

Added self-timer and automatic frame counter.

Asahi S1a  (H1a)

1963 - 1969

Added auto frame counter.  14 lenses available.


1964 - 1971

Through-the-lens CdS meter.  $299 with 50 f/1.4.  Very popular!  Most chrome, some black paint.  Motorized model made in 1970 (uncommon).  Rare 250-exposure model.



Same as Spotmatic but without CdS meter.

Spotmatic 500


Lower cost, 1/500 top speed, supplied with 55 f/2.0 lens.

Spotmatic II


Added accessory shoe; sold with multi-coated lenses with extra indexing levers.

Spotmatic IIa


Sensor for automatic Honeywell flash.



First Pentax auto exposure camera with electronically-controlled shutter.

Spotmatic F


Finest manual Spotmatic; open-aperture metering, $375 with 55mm f/1.8.

SP 1000


No self-timer



Improved reliability over ES. End of the era for Pentax screw-mount bodies.


1.  Sources: “A History of Pentax” articles by W. L. Fadner in Shutterbug (1988)

2.  U.S. cameras had the Honeywell name and logo on the prism.  International models were labeled with the Asahi name and logo. 

M42 thread mount

M42 refers to the thread mount of 42×1 mm used to attach the lens to the camera body. This was a common size in the 1950s through the 1970s. European, Russian, and Japanese companies made hundreds of M42 lenses in various focal lengths. Many people consider the Asahi Optical Company's examples to be among the best optically and mechanically in the 1960s and 1970s. It is common to buy an old Takumar lens that will still operate perfectly, while a drastically more expensive Leica lens of similar age will often have haze or film on the inner elements and need professional cleaning and re-lubrication. Takumar lenses have a following among serious photographers today because they can be mounted on most mirrorless digital cameras. The M42 mount lost popularity in the 1970s because it was slow to exchange lenses, while companies like Nikon, Minolta, and Canon used faster bayonet mounts on their cameras. 

Simplicity and meticulous craftsmanship
Utter simplicity: rewind knob, flash shoe, shutter speed dial, shutter release, and wind lever. No baffling 400-page instruction manual needed.
Set the film speed in the window within the shutter speed dial. Note it is still shown as ASA.
SMC (Super Multi Coated) 50mm ƒ/1.4 lens, mid-1970s.

Examples with Kodak Plus-X Film

Jim Grey sent me two rolls of Kodak Plus-X film. He bought a brick and said the first two rolls performed correctly. I used Plus-X in the 1970s but rarely since then. Plus-X was a traditional cubic-grain film, not one of the more modern T-grain emulsions, like T-Max 100. I will write more about Plus-X in a later article. Here are some examples from Vicksburg, Mississippi, during March of 2023. On some of my walks, I even wore the camera in its handy leather camera case (also known as a never-ready case). 

Waiting for a ride, 2620 Washington Street (50mm ƒ/1.4 SMC Takumar lens)
Monroe Street view south (135mm ƒ/3.5 SMC Takumar, ƒ/5.6)
Minor trouble at the corner of Marshal and Harris Streets (35mm ƒ/3.5 Super-Takumar lens)

I really like this 35mm ƒ/3.5 Super-Takumar lens. This is one of the older versions that must be stopped down for the light meter measurement. The Spotmatic F is supposed to be capable of both open-aperture as well as stop-down metering. But mine gives the wrong exposure for the latter mode. I sent the body back to Mr. Hendrickson to check, but it still does not meter quite right. That is a minor inconvenience because I usually carry a hand-held meter. The newer Super-Multi-Coated and SMC Takumars all have the tab for open aperture metering on the F and ESII bodies. 

Car collection, Green Street (55mm ƒ/1.8 SMC Takumar, yellow filter)
Garage on Polk Street in unoccupied but not abandoned house (50mm ƒ/1.4)
Cottage at 733 Johnson Street. It has been razed since I took this picture (50mm ƒ/1.4).
Silos, Hwy. 80, Delta, Louisiana (135mm ƒ/3.5 SMC Takumar, polarizing filter)

The meter in the Spotmatic F measures correctly with a polarizing filter mounted on the lens. This camera works perfectly well with a linear polarizer. Many novice photographers insist that they need a CPL or circular polarizer (after all, they saw it on YouTube). No, usually they do not. A CPL is required for cameras that use a beam-splitter for auto-focus function.

Examples with Fuji Acros 100 Film

House on Bethany Street, Shreveport, Louisiana (24mm ƒ/3.5 SMC Takumar lens, Fuji Acros film).

The Spotmatic F meter works correctly with a wide lens, in this case, 24mm. But this was not a severe test because the light was soft and overcast that day. Spotmatic meters are have a broad coverage area, so you need to point the camera slightly downward to avoid having the bright sky fool the meter. 

The Little Shanty art store, Line Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana (28mm ƒ/3.5 SMC Takumar lens)
The road west in the rain, Tahoka, Texas (55mm ƒ/1.8 SMC Takumar lens)
Jefferson Street view north, Olympia, Washington (55mm ƒ/1.8 SMC Takumar)
Squaxin Park, Olympia, Washington (28mm ƒ/3.5 SMC Takumar)


I am very pleased with my Spotmatic F. The open aperture metering is certainly convenient, and the measurements closely match reflected light readings from my Gossen Luna Pro digital hand-held light meter. The camera feels good and fits my hands perfectly. It is compact and only slightly more bulky than a Leica M camera. It demonstrates meticulous 1970s craftsmanship and precision, the finest of Japanese production. What is not to like?

And I like the gritty feel of Plus-X film. It is grainy, but that is suitable for this type of subject matter. Fuji Acros 100 is much finer grain. 


Here is my wife's 1971 Spotmatic camera with its superb 55mm ƒ/1.8 Super-Takumar lens. As you can see, the camera looks very similar to the 1974 or 1975 Spotmatic F. This camera has been to USA, Europe, Iceland, the Middle East, the Soviet Union, and the Nile River, and has always performed flawlessly. This body feels smoother when you wind film or release the shutter then my newer Spotmatic F. Possibly the gears were made of different metals or some internal details were different. 

This 55mm lens is single-coated and has at least one element with thorium salts. The lens had yellowed over the years, but treating it with a small LED table lamp from Ikea cleared the yellow tone. Many manufacturers added thorium salts to their glass mixtures in the 1940s through the 1970s. No studies have ever demonstrated any health effects from the minor amount of radiation. I think this particular 55 is higher resolution than my later SMC 55.