Showing posts with label Portra 160. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portra 160. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

On the Waterfront - Chalcis, Greece (Nov. 2024)

Euripus Strait, Chalcis, with lift bridge linking Euboea to the mainland

Chalcis (also called Chalkida or Halkida) is an ancient city on the Evrípou Strait, which separates mainland Greece from the island of Euboea (Evia). The weather in late November was still sunny and warm, so we thought, "Let's go to Chalcis, look around, and eat by the sea." A typical Greek outing. 

An unusual phenomena of the Evrípou is an irregular tidal current, which changes direction six to seven times a day.

Ice cream time
Nap time

The municipality has cleaned up the waterfront and added benches and recreation areas. 

This is a cheerful waterfront on a sunny day. Summer will be much more busy.

Santa checking out Ice Cream Man
They still sell Fanta in Greece?
Oh oh, getting the Evil Eye next to the Citroen 2CV (Samsung phone digital file)

 Dear Reader, you know what comes next: LUNCH in Nea Lampsakos, a few km south of Chalcis.

It does not get much better than this. And, of course, this is followed with a Greek coffee and a baklava. Ahhh.... (but no nap??)

This ends our November 2024 visit to Greece. I hope you enjoyed the short tour. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

More Wandering around Athens (Nov. 2024)

We continue wandering through Athens. I never lose interest here. 

Uncontrolled late-20th century urban sprawl, northwest Athens. Mount Parnitha is in the distance. (Samsung phone digital frame)

Parts of Athens are a congested concrete jungle. City fathers failed grossly to not impose green space requirements, build parks, or lay out arterial highways after World War II. In the scene above, the land in the foreground had disputed ownership for over five decades but will be preserved as park land.

Scooters on Asklipiou Street, near the Politeia bookstore (21mm ƒ/4.5 Zeiss ZM lens)

The Politeia bookstore has a good selection of books in many languages. In the past, we shopped at the famous Eleftheroudakis bookstore, but it closed in 2016 after 120 years of business.

Phones, Asklipiou Street

I am not a fan of graffiti, but it adds some color to the rather severe limestone walls. It does not do much for the phone booths. 

Lycabettus Hill from the National Museum (50mm ƒ/2 Summicron lens)
Mrs. Poppy's store in the Plaka (35mm ƒ/2.8 Pentax-A lens)
Monasteraki Square (35mm ƒ/2.8 Pentax-A lens)
Deep thinking, Athenas Street

Most of these frames are from Kodak Portra 160 film. If you are interested in earlier visits, including the 1950s, please type "Athens" in the search box.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Athenas Street, Athens, with the 21mm ƒ/4.5 Zeiss C Biogon Lens (Nov. 2024)

I've walked along Athinas Street tens of time over the decades, but I can't resist re-exploring each time I visit Athens (Greece). The noises, smells, colors, signs, tourists, merchants, and bustle make it fun if a bit intense. These vendors sell almost everything for the household except, possibly, large appliances. 

This last trip was in November of 2024. In the past, November in Athens could be cold, wet, and blustery. But 2024 smiled on us. It was dry and reasonably warm. My relatives tell me that more and more tourists linger in Athens later in the season than pre-pandemic. Greece as a winter destination?

This time, I wanted to try my 21mm ƒ/4.5 Zeiss ZM Biogon lens. It is wide enough to let you grab big chunks of the scene, which is handy on crowded streets. I used Portra 160 film in my Leica M2 camera and measured the light with a Gossen Luna Pro digital light meter. 

These card phones still work?
Ah, some colorful grunge
Central Market

The Central Market is best early morning, when vendors and buyers haggle over octopus, fish, and other goodies. I have written about the market before. If you are interested, type "Central Market" in the search box.

The spice vendor. I always take bags of fresh oregano home to USA with me.
The nut vendor

Dear Readers, you know where this is going. What do you do after several tiring hours exploring the city? Why, you go eat fish, of course!

I suggest Attalos Restaurant at Adrian 9 in the Thissio area near the Flea Market. Don't forget some Horta (Χόρτα) for your greens, a glass of Retsina, and baklava for dessert.

This ends our short walk downtown. More Athens and Greece to come soon.

My Leica M2 with the 21mm ƒ/4.5 Zeiss C Biogon lens, correct Zeiss hood, and a Leitz 21mm viewfinder. Note the finder is offset so as to not cover part of the shutter speed dial.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

2024 E. Washington Road Trip 04 - Republic, Jared, and Cusick

Continuing my trip through eastern Washington, I rolled into the city of Republic, the county seat of Ferry County. The city has an early 1900s appearance, appropriate considerings its heritage of mining and logging. I checked into the Northern Inn, which was clean, reasonable, and comfortable. The motorcycle guys admired my 42-year-old car. Each of their big bikes produces more horsepower than my little 1800 cc engine. 

Waiting for riders, Rte 20 near Republic
How did that tractor get up there? Feed Store, Clarke Avenue, Republic.
Prospector Inn, Clark Avenue, Republic (135mm ƒ/3.5 SMC Takumar lens)

This a nice little town. Grouse hunting is a popular tourist activity in the area. But after a sound sleep, it was time to move on. Time for a coffee!

Welcome Coffee House & Cafe, Republic
Quick repair at WR Tires (Samsung digital file)

Great choice, good coffee and pastries. I filled up (both the car and me), had a flat repaired, and continued east on the Sherman Pass Scenic Highway. What beautiful terrain, with minimal traffic and excellent roads. 

My car felt like it was losing power. Was something wrong? Oh, I had ascended to Sherman Pass at 5575 ft. With no turbocharger, this little car feels the altitude. But descending east down to the Columbia River was an easy cruise. I left the gearshift in 4th and let the engine do the braking. 

Kettle Falls Bridge over the Columbia River near Barney's Junction

I crossed the Columbia and stopped in Kettle Falls for a snack and to take some black and white photos (I will show them later). 

Barn, Rte 20, Jared, Washington
Rte 20, Cusick, Washington
Cheerful paint, Cusick
Detroit iron, Cusick
Empty house, Cusick

Cusick is a small town on the Pend Oreille River. It occupies the former site of a main village of the Pend d'Oreilles tribe. Today, it looks like a rather sad town with some economic issues. From here, it was a short run south on Rte 211 and US 2 into Spokane.  

Fixer-upper house, Rte 211, Deer Valley, Washington

After a fun few days in northern Washington, I visited a friend in the big city of Spokane. To be continued....

Most of these photographs are from Kodak Portra 160 film. I used my mid-1970s Pentax Spotmatic F camera, all handheld.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

2024 E. Washington Road Trip 03 - Chesaw, Brodie, and Wauconda

This is Part 3 of my September 2024 Eastern Washington Road Trip. 

Reaching Chesaw Road south of Molson, I turned east and drove through beautiful mountainous terrain.  Scattered about on the farmlands and hillsides, I saw an occasional abandoned house or barn. Some were a distance from the road, and I could see silhouettes against the sky. 

House, Chesaw Road

These are handsome old houses - how many families lived here over the years? Why did they leave? Where did they go? Are they happier now somewhere else? Did they move to a city?

Unoccupied house, Chesaw

Chesaw is an unincorporated community in Okanogan County. It thrived during a brief gold rush from 1896 to 1900.

Beaver Lake from Chesaw Road, southeast of Chesaw

Continuing south and east from Chesaw, I drove through the beautiful Okanogan National Forest. This is quiet country with infrequent traffic (and only intermittent cell phone coverage).
Brodie house
Log cabin, Brodie
Bodie fixer-upper house

Bodie was another gold-mining town that thrived for about 20 years starting in 1888. The mines played out, and the town finally closed completely in 1934. I arrived late afternoon and wish I had more time to explore.

Serious driveway, Toroda Creek Road, Wauconda (135mm ƒ/3.5 SMC Takumar lens)
Wauconda Cafe & Store, 2423 State Rte 20 - closed for good?
Wauconda Cafe & Store
A pay phone! Alas, kaput.

I thought I'd buy a snack, but the Wauconda Store & Cafe appears to be closed permanently. The buildings looked recently renovated with fresh paint. In this lonely terrain, these wayside stores are far apart. To be cautious, I always made sure I had plenty of gasoline in the car because stations can be far apart. From Wauconda, I headed east on State Route 20 towards Republic. To be continued....

I took these photographs on Kodak Portra 160 film with a Pentax Spotmatic F camera and various lenses.