Wednesday, June 17, 2020

More decay in West Jackson: Bailey, Gallatin, Louise, and Neatum Streets

Dear Readers, after some exploring in the great US West, it is time to turn our attention again to Jackson, Mississippi. This will be the first of several posts dealing with the state capital. You can see older articles by typing "Jackson" in the search box.

West Jackson is rough. Regular readers know I have been documenting abandoned houses and closed businesses for many years. This group of photographs is from a gloomy day in 2016 when I drove along Bailey Avenue and on some of the side streets.

Bailey Avenue

Eddie's Soul Food, 2853 Bailey Ave., Jackson, Mississippi
2855 Bailey Ave., Jackson
Bailey Ave. runs north-south and carries a lot of traffic. Many businesses and buildings are run-down or empty.
Warehouse, 2720 Bailey Avenue, Jackson
This big warehouse at 2720 Bailey Ave was empty and no longer secure. I do not know what business was formerly here, but the building is reasonably modern. The tile on the inner hall was glazed brick, similar to what you see in subway stations.

Louis Street

1044 Louis Street, Jackson
1040 Louis Street, Jackson
1036 Louis Street, Jackson

Louis is a short side street that merges into Bailey Ave. and Gaddis Street. When I was there, it looked like most of the cottages along the street were empty or burned.

Neatum Street

Asbestos shingle-clad duplex, 1101 Neatum Street, Jackson
Stucco or plaster duplex, 1010 Neatum Street, Jackson
Wood clapboard sided duplex, 1015 Neatum Street, Jackson
Interior of 1015 Neatum Street, Jackson

Neatum Street, one block north of Lewis, also was lined with empty and abandoned houses. In one house, it looked like the last tenants abruptly departed, abandoning clothes and other possessions.

180 N. Gallatin Street, Jackson
197 N. Gallatin Street, Jackson
189 N. Gallatin Street, Jackson

Drive south on Bailey and at Monument Street, the road makes a jog to the left and turns into North Gallatin Street. This was formerly an industrial area but is now run-down with closed businesses and empty warehouses. The road surface is rutted, and water seeps out of leaking pipes onto the sidewalks. Dude-mobiles rattle by with thumping rap music. Not a scene to inspire new businesses to relocate here.

I wrote about the area further south, at West Porter Street, in 2015.

These digital files are from mya Fuji X-E1 digital camera, with raw files processed with PhotoNinja software. PhotoNinja is one of the more successful software packages for processing the Fuji X-Trans raw files.

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